We envision a community where each and every individual has access to food, health services, and community engagement in a dignified and mutually respectful environment.

Join us in providing food security and dignity for those in need in Gauteng.

Compassionate, Reliable, Community-Focused


The Baqhame Community Soup Kitchen Principles

  • We model a way of being in the world that is rooted in mutual respect, dignity and joy

  • We run a stable and effective organization designed to sustain itself for the long term

  • We advocate for the needs of our guests by connecting them to other organizations and building awareness in the community

  • We feed the hungry; we welcome any person in need of food and comfort

  • We offer needed services to our guests that promote their health and well-being

  • We welcome volunteers who are willing to share in the dignity and struggles of life

Our Services

Dedicated to providing nutritious meals and support for our community's most vulnerable members.

Meal Distribution

We provide nutritious meals to low-income families, children, and the elderly in our community.

Community Support

We create a supportive environment where everyone feels food secure and treated with dignity.

Community Projects

Fighting hunger through community-driven initiatives and support programs.

Meal Distribution

We provide nutritious meals to low-income families, children, and the elderly, ensuring everyone has access to food and feels dignified in our community.

Volunteer Opportunities

Join us in our mission to combat hunger. Volunteer your time and skills to help serve meals and support our community initiatives.

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Get In Touch

Contact us to support our fight against hunger today.